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Facility Support Services


Each facility is unique and faces its own challenges. Nursing is often the backbone of patient care as nurses spend the most time with patients. Often in addiction treatment facilities nurses face a lack of support, division between counseling/admission and nursing staff, and high turnover of nurses leading to staff shortages, poor work performance, lack of empathy and burnout. But these things can be reduced with proper support.


In most addiction treatment centers administration outside of the medical team may not be able to provide the advice and resources needed to provide the nursing team with the support and knowledge to do their job to the highest standards. Aside from other specialties in nursing, Addiction Nurses have the additional responsibility of keeping the client engaged in treatment to maintain and promote sobriety and decreases AMAs. This can best be done when nurses feel supported and not when they feel like they can be easily replaced. 


See below for more information and reach out for a free consultation and facility assessment. 


Nursing Staff Recruitment

Director of Nursing, staff nurses, admission/triage nurses....Finding quality candidates is often one of the hardest parts. Services are provided to optimize job descriptions and online hiring ads, screening, and interviewing candidates. 


Regulatory Corrective Action Plans

Ensure Regulatory Compliance and corrections with state regulations, Department of Health, the Joint Commission, CARF, SAMSHA. ​


New Facility Project Packages

Opening a new addiction treatment facility? Let me assist with setting up nursing/medical service policies and procedures for detox, rehab & pharmacy within state, federal and other regulatory compliance. Includes recruitment of nursing staff, onboarding, and orientation to addictions nursing and your facility.


Existing Facility Project Packages

Services are based on the needs of the facility with the goal of providing safe, efficient, quality patient care as well as providing corrective action plans, policy updates and staff re-education and competency training. 


Mentorship Program & Executive Coaching

Effective Addiction Nurse mentorship promotes improved job satisfaction, improved retention, and promotes professional development. Mentoring nurses most importantly improves nursing care and team building as well as improves patient outcomes.  Numerous employee engagement surveys have showed that feeling valued and supported is one of the most important aspects of nursing retention. Ideal for those in the Director of Nursing position and other nursing management roles. 


Read More Here:



Addiction Nursing Education- New Hires, Existing Staff or Ongoing Education

There are currently very few addiction treatment facilities (if any) where all nurses are addiction certified. As a nurse leader I have witnessed even the most experienced nurses sometimes unable to correlate an elevated CIWA or COWS score with the need for additional medication or provider notification. Most hospitals have a nursing education department- even these lack addiction experience- and in addiction treatment facilities nurse education often falls on the DON when re-education of nursing staff is needed, especially related to incidents involving medication or patient safety.  Other items that often require education and competency include injections such as Sublocade & Vivitrol.  Classes for CARN prep can meet weekly via Zoom or in person and include review of addiction nursing practices, breakdown of CARN questions and rationales to pass the test and promotion of quality patient care. Weekly classes promote accountability, motivation, and encouragement.


Read more here:


Other Services:

  • Prevention of AMAs

  • Narcan Training

    • Focused for providers and health care workers- ideal for doctors’ offices & urgent care centers

  • Pharmacy and Lab referrals and unit set up

  • Physician Credentialing

  • Speaking Engagements and Addiction Education

  • Unit Inspection to ensure regulatory compliance

  • Legal Nurse Expert Witness

  • Staff FIT Testing for Covid and PPE training:

    • The DOH and OSHA require FIT testing for the use of N95 masks. N95 masks continue to be the standard when caring for Covid-19 clients. FIT testing and PPE training are available and include competency skills testing and related documentation for all staff that are trained.

    • Read More:

  • Safe Medication Monitoring Class for non-nursing staff

    • Ideal for Halfway Houses & rehab centers that do not have 24hr nursing staff

      • For facilities that utilize non-nursing staff for observation of clients self-medicating

      • Offered in person or via Zoom

      • Includes competency skills testing and related documentation, Medication Administration Record templates

      • Certificates provided upon class completion



Multiple services are available across all states depending on the needs of the facility. Addiction Nursing is made up of a set of standards, therefore, the state in which the facility is in only matters as it relates to the state regulations. Other agencies such as the DEA, CARF and Joint Commission have the same standards across all states.

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